Be The Person You Needed, When You Needed Help The Most

Whenever I’m stuck with my personal brand, the direction of my business, or what I should do next, I always revert back to being the person I needed, when I needed help the most. It is a mantra that I’ve applied to each of my businesses, and that applies to my life too. I ask myself questions like:

  • What questions did I have when I was in their shoes?

  • What fears or challenges kept me up at night?

  • What kind of support or resources did I wish I had?

Be the Person You Needed When You Needed Help the Most—And Discover Your Personal Brand in the Process
By Holly Meyer Lucas

Have you ever looked back at a moment in your life and wished someone had been there to guide you? Maybe it was when you were starting out in real estate, launching your business, or trying to make sense of contracts and negotiations. You felt overwhelmed, unsure, and maybe even a little lost. But what if I told you that you could now be that person—for yourself and for others?

Real Estating founder, Holly Meyer Lucas

Ask yourself:

  • What questions did I have when I was in their shoes?

  • What fears or challenges kept me up at night?

  • What kind of support or resources did I wish I had?

The answers to those questions can help you define your entire business strategy.

One of my mantras in business has always been: Be the person you needed when you needed help the most. And that mantra isn’t just good for business—it’s one of the most powerful tools for defining your personal brand, attracting your ideal audience, and figuring out your superpower.

If you find yourself in a rut with the real estating, revert back to being the person you needed, when you needed help the most.

Your Story Shapes Your Brand
Think back to the version of you that was just starting out. What did you need? Confidence? Clear direction? Someone to tell you that mistakes are part of growth? Chances are, the answers to those questions are exactly what your future clients and audience need right now.

When you lean into your own story and struggles, you start to uncover the heart of your personal brand. Were you once the overwhelmed first-time buyer who wished someone had explained the process in plain English? Or the agent who needed someone to say, "You’ve got this" when the deals weren’t closing fast enough? Use that perspective to create messaging that speaks directly to the people who need you.

Clarify Who Your Ideal Audience Is
When you focus on being the person you needed, it naturally reveals who your ideal audience is. The people you’re meant to serve are often a reflection of where you’ve been and the problems you’ve solved.

Ask yourself:

  • What questions did I have when I was in their shoes?

  • What fears or challenges kept me up at night?

  • What kind of support or resources did I wish I had?

These answers don’t just help you define your audience—they also give you a clear direction for your content, messaging, and services. Suddenly, your marketing feels less like guesswork and more like a direct conversation with the people who need what you offer.

Discover Your Superpower
Being the person you needed forces you to tap into your strengths. Maybe you’re great at simplifying complex processes, turning chaos into clarity, or making clients feel confident and prepared. That’s your superpower—the unique value you bring to the table.

Once you identify it, you can:

  1. Highlight it in your marketing and content.

  2. Build systems around it to consistently deliver value.

  3. Use it to differentiate yourself in a crowded market.

Your superpower is often the thing you do naturally but don’t always recognize as special—until you realize it’s exactly what someone else needs.

Practical Ways to Put This Into Action
Here’s how you can turn this mindset into a brand-building strategy:

  1. Share Your Story – Use your journey to connect with your audience. Be vulnerable about the struggles you’ve faced and how you overcame them.

  2. Speak Their Language – Talk about the problems your audience is experiencing right now, and offer solutions based on what you’ve learned.

  3. Create Value-Driven Content – Develop guides, checklists, or templates that help your audience solve the same challenges you’ve faced.

  4. Position Yourself as the Go-To Resource – Build authority by offering tips, insights, and mentorship in your niche.

  5. Celebrate Wins – Highlight the success stories of your clients to reinforce your expertise and impact.

Final Thoughts
No one gets to where they are without help. The most successful agents didn’t wake up one day knowing how to close deals—they learned, failed, and grew. And along the way, someone probably gave them a hand.

Now it’s your turn. Be the person you needed when you needed help the most. Not only will you inspire and empower others—you’ll also define your personal brand, attract the right clients, and uncover your superpower in the process.

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